by Kason Bloom | Aug 21, 2020 | Biographies, Missions
Jim Elliot – A Call to Go In 1949 Jim graduated from Wheaton College and spent the next three years teaching, studying, traveling, and preaching. God used this time to grow him and confirm his call to go overseas to Ecuador. He taught at a school...
by Kason Bloom | Aug 14, 2020 | Biographies, Missions
Jim Elliot – The Degree of A.U.G. In the fall of 1945, Jim Elliot enrolled in Wheaton College in Illinois. He wrote in his journal as he was contemplating this new stage of life, “Many a freshman entering college has no clear idea of what he is there for....
by Kason Bloom | Aug 7, 2020 | Missions
Jim Elliot – Early Life One of my heroes is a man by the name of Jim Elliot. He was a missionary to the country of Ecuador that gave his life attempting to take the Gospel to an unreached tribe. The thing that I love about Jim Elliot is his passion and love for...
by Kason Bloom | Jul 31, 2020 | Missions, Reading
Best Missions Books for Missionaries I am blessed to be a part of Vision Baptist Church and Vision Baptist Missions. They always have had constant involvement in my life and ministry. I have learned so much from my pastor Austin Gardner and director Jeff Bush. One...
by Kason Bloom | Jul 24, 2020 | Missions
Missions – God’s Plan for Reaching the World You may wonder why I believe that missions are so important. You might think that I am too extreme and that although missions are a good thing to do, it is not that much different from any other profession....